learning that leads to a living wage future
Kelso High School
Students that participate in CTE courses have an opportunity to explore technical fields and advance their skills in preparation for a variety of post-secondary education and training options. Research shows that only 15% of one's success is determined by hard skills (technical skills, certificate, or degree), while the remaining 85% of one's success depends on employ-ability or soft skills (communication, teamwork, work ethic, time management, decision making and critical thinking).
Check out the Course Offerings page for information on each of our courses. Enroll today!!!
learning that leads to a living wage future
CTE Belief Statements:
We believe all students when provided the opportunity, will flourish in an environment that engages them in learning.
We believe through collaborative work, we can positively impact our students learning and their preparation for the world of work.
We believe that keeping programs current by staying connected to what is happening in business/industry will have a positive impact on our students.
We believe there are many paths traveled to get to a desired career and our job is to assist students in understanding those various paths so they choose the best one to fit their needs.
Benefits of Career & Technical Education Courses:
Many of our courses provide an opportunity to gain college as well as high school credit
Many of our classes provide an opportunity for credit equivalency to help students meet their graduation requirements
Provide technical skills that transfer into the world of work
21st Century Skills are taught helping students prepare for the workplace
Learn more about our changing economy, in demand careers in our region, along with their education and salary levels and youth employment opportunities.
Here are some links to help.
Intro to Apprenticeships video
SummerWorks Youth Employment opportunities
“Success In The New Economy: How Prospective College Students Can Gain A Competitive Advantage” Video by Brian Marsh
“This Will Be The Biggest Disruption In Higher Education” Article by Brandon Busteed (Forbes)
“Why High Achiever Have Moved To ‘Shop’ Class” Article by Catherine Gewertz (Education Week)
Career Pathways:
In order to align with our new State graduation requirements and to meet our goal of preparing students for their future, we begin helping students build their High School & Beyond Plan in middle school. Students use tools available in Xello World/Career Cruising as a way to learn more about their interests and learning styles which connect them to potential careers. This process helps them in determining their career pathway. Check out our Career Pathways page for more detailed information on our KHS Career Pathways!
Kelso School District #458 complies with all federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Holly Budge, Director of Human Resources, the school district’s Title VII Officer and ADA Coordinator. People of disability may request reasonable accommodation in the hiring process by contacting, Holly Budge, Director of Human Resources, (360) 501-1924. Inquiries regarding compliance procedures regarding students may be directed to Gunnar Guttormsen, Director of Student Services, Title IX and 504 Coordinator, 601 Crawford Street, Kelso, WA 98626 (360) 501-1900.
Kelso School District is committed to providing access to all individuals, with or without disabilities, seeking information on our website. If you are unable to access content on our website, have questions about the accessibility of content or technology used by the District, please email michele.nerland@kelsosd.org. Provide the URL (web address) of the material you tried to access, the problem you experienced and a resolution suggestion, and your contact information. Include your name, email address, and phone number so that we may contact you to provide the information in an alternative format. Please note: some pages on this website contain links to third-party sites, which are not under our management and may not comply with accessibility standards. Kelso School District is not responsible for the content or accessibility of third-party sites.
KHS Career and Technical Education © 2019 ■ phone: (360) 501-1838 ■ FAX: (360) 501-1425 ■ KHS Home: www.kelsohighschool.com ■ More Information and Resources